Original article source: TMG Ventures, Inc. Friday, May 8, 2020 11:23pm
TMG Ventures is the parent company of The Hair Society, and The Hair, Mind, and Body Wellness Group
We are in a global pandemic. Our lives have changed.
Our industry has been walloped.
When life and business get turned upside down, it’s natural to go into “hunker down” mode. It’s understandable to want to cut as many expenses as possible and anticipate the worst-case scenario.
None of us should feel bad about these very valid (and sometimes practical) reactions. There are so many things out of our control at the moment. Recently, we reached out to over 119 salons across the US and in over 136 other countries in which we currently serve, including those in hair replacement, hair restoration, Trichology clinics, and salon that offer only salon services. What we very quickly found was that all of the data points to; marketing is NOT one of the things that you should be suspending right now. There are many reasons why marketing should continue and even accrue more of your resources.
We understand that making cuts during an economic downturn are usually among the first things you cut. There are several reasons why that should NOT be the case. Not only does marketing need to continue, but it also needs to be increased while strategically pivoted. Shifting your business’s focus can be scary, it’s necessary however to survive this or any economic crisis.
Let’s dive deeper into some of the reasons why you should keep your marketing efforts going through this pandemic and how you can evolve your company’s efforts to service your customers more effectively.
1. People are on social media now more than ever.
It doesn’t take a complex study to point to the sharp rise in social media usage (and trust us, there are many studies out there). It makes sense because just about everyone is now working from home or shut down, and spending a lot more time following current events.
On a “normal” day, over 281 million Americans online spend an average of 144 minutes per day (that’s roughly 2.4 hours daily), surfing the web and posting on social media. Today, more people are on social media trying to interact with others than ever, and those that may have seen an increase in downtime are spending it online. Social distancing is transitioning your daily activities to A more digital way of life, so increasing your digital m