2015 promises to be an exciting year for hair loss replacement treatments. Many new studies are going forth with great hope for the future. Although there are already many existing hair replacement systems some of the new discoveries are exciting.
- Growing Hair Follicles from Human Skin Cells: A patient’s own skin tissue can be used to grow an unlimited amount of hair follicles. “This approach has the potential to transform the medical treatment of hair loss,” said Professor Angela Christiano of Columbia University in New York.
- Gene Therapy: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania under the leadership of Dr. George Cotsarelis have regenerated follicles in mice. This is done by manipulating a gene called Wnt. This study has major potential for creating new methods of hair growth and many different skin conditions and wounds.
- PRP + Stem Cell Hair Regrowth Treatment: This use of the patients own cells and platelets to generate the body. Promises better health and a youthful look.
- Contact Immunotherapy: This method triggers an allergic reaction on the scalp and may help regrow hair.
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